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Maya Riantini , Muhammad Yazid , Laila Husin , Dessy Adriany , Indah Listiana

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Maya Riantini1 , Muhammad Yazid2 , Laila Husin2 , Dessy Adriany2 , Indah Listiana1
1. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
2. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Riantini, Maya, et al. "THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE VULNERABILITY INDICATORS OF FISHERMEN HOUSEHOLD IN TANGGAMUS REGENCY OF LAMPUNG PROVINCE, INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 2019, pp. 5984-5997, Accessed Sept. 2019.
Riantini, M., Yazid, M., Husin, L., Adriany, D., & Listiana, I. (2019, September). THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE VULNERABILITY INDICATORS OF FISHERMEN HOUSEHOLD IN TANGGAMUS REGENCY OF LAMPUNG PROVINCE, INDONESIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(9), 5984-5997. Retrieved from
Riantini, Maya, Muhammad Yazid, Laila Husin, Dessy Adriany, and Indah Listiana. "THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE VULNERABILITY INDICATORS OF FISHERMEN HOUSEHOLD IN TANGGAMUS REGENCY OF LAMPUNG PROVINCE, INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 9 (September 2019), 5984-5997. Accessed September, 2019.

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The limitation of traditional fishery business is caused by many factors, e.g., weather and climate, capital, a still simple technology, and internal issues of fishermen households causing low fish production. This can further lead to the low income of traditional fishermen which making it difficult to meet the minimum needs of households, and causing their vulnerability. This research intended to describe the vulnerability condition of fishermen households and analyze the factors causing it. Data used in this research were primary data and secondary data. Data results were obtained by counting the score numbers on the respondents. From the data results, it was found that most of the incomes of fishermen households using motor boats were on the low vulnerability score levels while the average of the incomes of fishermen households using outboard motor boats were on the medium and high vulnerability score levels. Whereas the significant variables causing vulnerability for motor boat fishermen households were (1) production variable with t-value of -1.949 and significant level of 0.055, (2) capital variable with t value of -1.997 and significant level of 0.051, (3) fishery income variable with t value of -2.032 and significant level of 0.045. Whereas the non-significant variables for motor boat and outboard motor boat fishermen were age, total of labor, and dummy.

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