International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Kizza James , Ssekibaamu Achilles

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Kizza James1 , Ssekibaamu Achilles2
1. Lecturer, Department of Economics and Statistics, Kyambogo University.
2. Graduate student, Department of Business Administration, University of Kisubi.

James, Kizza, and Ssekibaamu Achilles. "THE CONTRIBUTION OF LUWEERO TEACHERS' SAVING AND CREDIT COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATION TO THE SOCIOECONOMIC WELFARE OF TEACHERS IN LUWEERO DISTRICT, UGANDA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 2019, pp. 6149-6178, Accessed Sept. 2019.
James, Kizza, and Ssekibaamu Achilles. "THE CONTRIBUTION OF LUWEERO TEACHERS' SAVING AND CREDIT COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATION TO THE SOCIOECONOMIC WELFARE OF TEACHERS IN LUWEERO DISTRICT, UGANDA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 9 (September 2019), 6149-6178. Accessed September, 2019.

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Purpose: To establish the contribution of Luweero Teachers' Sacco to the socio -economic welfare of teachers in Luweero District, Uganda.
Design/Methodology/Approach: We do this by distribution of a questionnaire survey instrument to a sample of 162 conveniently selected teachers who are members of Luweero Saccoand a written interview with Sacco managers purposively selected.
Findings: Results show that: savings products fairly positively contribute to socio economic welfare (0.357; p<0.05); loan access and utilization moderately positively contribute to socio economic welfare (0.4903; p<0.05) and advisory services fairly positively contribute to socio economic welfare (0.247; p<0.05). Collectively, the predictor variables explain 32.6% of the contribution of the Sacco to members' socio economic welfare (R-square 0.326; p<0.000).
Practical implications: Although there were several studies relating to Saccos, most of them were conducted outside Uganda and no study had been carried out on Luweero Teachers' Sacco and its contribution to the socio -economic welfare of teachers in Luweero District, Uganda. This study brings to light the important role played by Teachers' Saccos in general and Luweero teachers' Sacco in particular. The study posits key policy implications on the need for government to support Saccos especially in building their technical capacities.
Originality/value: This study identifies the key role played by Luweero Teachers' Saccos in promoting the socio -economic welfare of teachers in Luweero District, Uganda

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