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K. Jayashree

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K. Jayashree
Faculty, Bharadwaj Institute Private Limited, Chennai, India

Jayashree, K. "POLITICAL WILL IN WELFARE POLICY MAKING RE-VISITING THE POLICY PRECINCTS: A THEMATIC REVIEW." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 2019, pp. 6669-6702, Accessed Nov. 2019.
Jayashree, K. (2019, November). POLITICAL WILL IN WELFARE POLICY MAKING RE-VISITING THE POLICY PRECINCTS: A THEMATIC REVIEW. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(11), 6669-6702. Retrieved from
Jayashree, K. "POLITICAL WILL IN WELFARE POLICY MAKING RE-VISITING THE POLICY PRECINCTS: A THEMATIC REVIEW." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 11 (November 2019), 6669-6702. Accessed November, 2019.

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The present work is an exploration of welfare policies to understand its pro-poor stake. Government interventions undoubtedly intent the upliftment of the vulnerable sections of the society. However, policy failures are not uncommon due to planning-implementation divide and the weak policy premise. Enumerating policy success in terms of number of beneficiaries is necessary but not sufficient. This is, in plain terms, the undercurrent of this article. The policy verity per se warrants a strong political will to ensure percolation of benefits and empowerment of the beneficiaries. The inherent methodology of this study therefore is reviewing critical policy literature to bring out the gaps in welfare policy making. The elucidation succinctly putsforth the need for un-learning the existing practices of policy formulation and re-thinking newer policy paradigms. Empirical cases specifically from the Indian context have been drawn to in support of the core quest of this work in unravelling the pro-poor rationale of welfare policy interventions; this admittedly is in pursuit of the touted mission of a determined political will to pave way for emancipatory paradigm.

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