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Triane Widya Anggriani, R Nunung Nuryartono , Bambang Juanda , Jaenal Effendi

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Triane Widya Anggriani1, R Nunung Nuryartono2 , Bambang Juanda3 , Jaenal Effendi4
1. Center of Agricultural Management and Leadership, Ministry of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia 16720
2. Faculty of Economic and Management, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia 16680

Anggriani, Triane Widya, et al. "SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRIBUSINESS MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS (AMFIS) IN BOGOR." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 2019, pp. 6769-6784, Accessed Nov. 2019.
Anggriani, T., Nuryartono, R., Juanda, B., & Effendi, J. (2019, November). SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRIBUSINESS MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS (AMFIS) IN BOGOR. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(11), 6769-6784. Retrieved from
Anggriani, Triane Widya, R Nunung Nuryartono, Bambang Juanda, and Jaenal Effendi. "SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRIBUSINESS MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS (AMFIS) IN BOGOR." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 11 (November 2019), 6769-6784. Accessed November, 2019.

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Microfinance service is one of the approach to reduce number of poverty by providing financial service to low income society. The increase demand of microfinance, will require microfinance institution to keep their sustainability both financially and outreach. Purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting Agribusiness Microfinance Institution (AMFI)s' sustainability in Bogor District. The concept of the sustainability microfinance in this study analized holistically by combining financial sustainability and outreach sustainability. This combination by the previous research has not been much analyzing the sustainability of both aspects. The factors influencing agribusiness microfinance institutions' sustainability identified by panel regression. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling, from survey result obtained 15 agribusiness microfinance institutions who have complete financial reports for two years from 2016 to 2017. Result of research sustainability index of agribusiness microfinance institution in Bogor District ranged between 0,02 to 0,71; with an average score of sustainability index as much as 0,27. This indicated agribusiness microfinance institutions' performance are relatively low. The regression result showed the amount of total loan, total equity and agribusiness microfinance institutions' age were significant positive contributor to AMFIs' sustainability in Bogor District.

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