International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Bekezela Moyo, Professor N. M. S. Marobela

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1Bekezela Moyo, 2Professor N. M. S. Marobela
1. Department of Business Management, Management College of Southern Africa Botswana, P O Box Ad 878 ADD, Kgale Postnet Gaborone, Botswana
2. Department of Management, University of Botswana

Moyo, Bekezela, and N. M. S. Marobela. "ENTREPRENEUR'S PERSONALITY TRAITS ON DEVELOPING EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT: A CASE OF WOMEN-LED SMALL BUSINESS IN ZIMBABWE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 2019, pp. 7200-7215, Accessed Dec. 2019.
Moyo, B., & Marobela, N. (2019, December). ENTREPRENEUR'S PERSONALITY TRAITS ON DEVELOPING EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT: A CASE OF WOMEN-LED SMALL BUSINESS IN ZIMBABWE. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(12), 7200-7215. Retrieved from
Moyo, Bekezela, and N. M. S. Marobela. "ENTREPRENEUR'S PERSONALITY TRAITS ON DEVELOPING EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT: A CASE OF WOMEN-LED SMALL BUSINESS IN ZIMBABWE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 12 (December 2019), 7200-7215. Accessed December, 2019.

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This study examined the impact of personality traits on employee commitment through the use of the Five-factor model in Gweru metropolitan, Zimbabwe. The Five-factor model was treated as a multi-dimensional contract which was used as independent variable. Initially a structured questionnaire was conveniently administered to respondents in Gweru metropolitan, and later a semi-structured interview was purposively used as a follow-up instrument to some selected respondents. Results show three personality traits that are predictive to employee commitment. The study therefore concluded that not all personality traits in the Five-factor model are significant in building employee commitment. Furthermore the findings could be used to understand those personality traits that assist in developing employee commitment in small business operations especially in a unique depressed economic environment such as Zimbabwe.

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