International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Ajit Khanal, Sabin Dawadi, Thaneshwar Bhandari, Prayash Pathak Chalise, Sudip Poudel

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Ajit Khanal, Sabin Dawadi, Thaneshwar Bhandari, Prayash Pathak Chalise, Sudip Poudel
Department of Social Science, IAAS, Lamjung, Tribhuvan University

Khanal, Ajit, et al. "PRODUCTION ECONOMICS AND PERCEPTION ANALYSIS OF PADDY FARMERS IN LAMJUNG,NEPAL." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 2019, pp. 7300-7309, Accessed Dec. 2019.
Khanal, A., Dawadi, S., Bhandari, T., Chalise, P., & Poudel, S. (2019, December). PRODUCTION ECONOMICS AND PERCEPTION ANALYSIS OF PADDY FARMERS IN LAMJUNG,NEPAL. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(12), 7300-7309. Retrieved from
Khanal, Ajit, Sabin Dawadi, Thaneshwar Bhandari, Prayash Pathak Chalise, and Sudip Poudel. "PRODUCTION ECONOMICS AND PERCEPTION ANALYSIS OF PADDY FARMERS IN LAMJUNG,NEPAL." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 12 (December 2019), 7300-7309. Accessed December, 2019.

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A survey research was conducted with randomly selected 168 paddy growing households in Lamjung district, Nepal. Information on cost of seed, labor and inorganic fertilizers along with paddy income and other socio-economic variables were obtained. Result showed that paddy growers used NRs 154,379, total variable cost per hectare and benefit cost ratio was 1.34. The average cost per hectare for seed, labor and inorganic fertilizer were Rs 6,934, Rs 139,347 and Rs 8,097 respectively, where other costs like fixed cost, management cost and manure cost were considered implicit expenses. Average area under paddy cultivation was 0.39 ha and gross margin per hectare was Rs 40, 895 Results of logistic regression analysis on adoption behavior of stress tolerant paddy varieties with various regressors showed maximum likelihood estimator and pseudo R2 value 83.663 and 0.586 respectively. Farmers joined in farm association, upland paddy grower, male-headed farm household and education level of household head had likelihood of positive relationship with adoption of stress tolerant paddy varieties. Probability of one unit of change in above said variables, likelihood of adoption could increase by 4.52, 71.38, 5.345 and 2.34 units respectively, ceteris paribus. However, paddy income and occupation of household head showed no significant difference. In the stressed condition of the climate, this study suggested the farmers for rapid adoption of stress tolerant varieties in order to increase both income and livelihood.

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