International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Cherrila Wangchuk Bhutia

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Cherrila Wangchuk Bhutia
Asst. Professor, Namchi Government College, Sikkim

Bhutia, Cherrila Wangchuk. "CSR, CORPORATE GIANTS AND WEBSITE DISCLOSURE: AN EXPLORATION OF CONTRIBUTION IN EDUCATION AND SPORTS AS A LEGITIMACY TOOL." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 2019, pp. 7383-7393, Accessed Dec. 2019.
Bhutia, C. (2019, December). CSR, CORPORATE GIANTS AND WEBSITE DISCLOSURE: AN EXPLORATION OF CONTRIBUTION IN EDUCATION AND SPORTS AS A LEGITIMACY TOOL. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(12), 7383-7393. Retrieved from
Bhutia, Cherrila Wangchuk. "CSR, CORPORATE GIANTS AND WEBSITE DISCLOSURE: AN EXPLORATION OF CONTRIBUTION IN EDUCATION AND SPORTS AS A LEGITIMACY TOOL." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 12 (December 2019), 7383-7393. Accessed December, 2019.


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CSR is expected to bring about a considerable change in terms of contribution in backward regions somehow overlooked by Government sector. In any under developed society, education requires a huge amount of investment and it is difficult for the Government to manage alone. Education, health and environment have been considered traditionally as the focus areas of corporate social responsibility actions. In recent times, CSR has expanded beyond and started to make an entry in areas like sports primarily as a good investment in terms of advertising. While CSR was primarily seen as an investment like in advertising, it has mature over the years to become a permanent feature of corporate marketing strategy primarily built along the line of mutual trust building and serving as an addendum of public service usually rendered by Government. CSR activities by companies in India started even before independence, but in the last decade or so it has become a codified practice for companies with turnover above a threshold level. While CSR is firmly ingrained as a corporate practice, it is also a grey spot for the corporate watchers. It needs to be more transparent and the outcome of corporate service should also be known. Web media has the potential to initiate that change and it is likely to offer the corporate more legitimacy in terms of their practices.

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