International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Susani Triwahyuningsih

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Susani Triwahyuningsih
Universitas Merdeka Ponorogo

Triwahyuningsih, Susani. "DEMOCRACY IN THE CONSTITUTIONALITY SYSTEM IN INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 61-69, Accessed Jan. 2019.
Triwahyuningsih, S. (2019, January). DEMOCRACY IN THE CONSTITUTIONALITY SYSTEM IN INDONESIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(1), 61-69. Retrieved from
Triwahyuningsih, Susani. "DEMOCRACY IN THE CONSTITUTIONALITY SYSTEM IN INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 1 (January 2019), 61-69. Accessed January, 2019.

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Democracy is a form or mechanism of a Government System of a country as an effort to realize sovereignty over the state to be carried out by that State Government. Based on that democratic system, democracy in Indonesian constitution can be found in the concept of democracy in which contained in UUD 1945 as "Staats Fondamentalnorm". The formulation of sovereignty in the hands of the peopleshows that the position of peopleis the highest and most central. Peopleare the origin and the goal of state power, therefore peopleare constituted as the central paradigm of state power.
One of democracy pillars is the principle of trias politics.It divides the three state political powers (executive, legislative and judicial) to realize the three types of state institutions that are mutually independent and ranked in parallel in each other. The parralel and independence of the three state institutions types are needed in order to make these three state institutions can supervise and control each other based on the checht and balances principle.

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