International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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BALLA MEKONGO Celestin Ghislain, ABBA YADOU Barnabe

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1BALLA MEKONGO Celestin Ghislain, 2ABBA YADOU Barnabe
1,2. Laboratory of Research in Fundamental and Applied Economics (LARFAE), University of Dschang

Ghislain, BALLA MEKONGO Celestin, and ABBA YADOU Barnabe. "FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND CAPITAL ACCUMULATION IN THE FRANC ZONE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 7, July 2020, pp. 1700-1718, Accessed July 2020.
Ghislain, B., & Barnabe, A. (2020, July). FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND CAPITAL ACCUMULATION IN THE FRANC ZONE. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(7), 1700-1718. Retrieved from
Ghislain, BALLA MEKONGO Celestin, and ABBA YADOU Barnabe. "FINANCIAL INTEGRATION AND CAPITAL ACCUMULATION IN THE FRANC ZONE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 7 (July 2020), 1700-1718. Accessed July, 2020.


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This paper provides original econometric evidence on whether financial integration stimulates capital accumulation based on data for a sample of 15 Franc area countries over the period 1996- 2018. Using the system generalized method of moments, the FMOLS cointegration approach, two main results are found. First, financial integration contributes to capital accumulation in Franc area countries. Second, the effects differ according to the indicators of financial integration. Thus, the Lane and Milesi-Ferretti index reports a higher effect of financial integration on capital accumulation, then comes FDI and finally remittances from migrants over the long run. Our findings suggest that the effect of financial integration on accumulation depends on the indicator used and integration into international financial markets significantly increases the capital stock.

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