International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Viorelia LUNGU

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Viorelia LUNGU
Associate Professor at the Technical University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova

LUNGU, Viorelia. "ANTICIPATION SKILL-A CHALLENGE OF THE 21ST CENTURY GENERATIONS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 2020, pp. 2308-2323, Accessed Aug. 2020.
LUNGU, V. (2020, August). ANTICIPATION SKILL-A CHALLENGE OF THE 21ST CENTURY GENERATIONS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(8), 2308-2323. Retrieved from
LUNGU, Viorelia. "ANTICIPATION SKILL-A CHALLENGE OF THE 21ST CENTURY GENERATIONS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 8 (August 2020), 2308-2323. Accessed August, 2020.


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Both the society and personality are developing and changing under the influence of education. Whilst the accelerated pace of changes as well as the current issues of the society, confirm the challenges which the 21st century generations are subjected to, where the need to develop a skill of anticipation is claimed.
In this regard, some states give a special emphasis to anticipating skills, as a political objective to create a system for skill development required on the labour market. The anticipation skill represents a necessity of the modern personality to identify specific and rapid solutions in solving the multiple problems that appear in the 21st century, to orient towards the planning of the change or the possibility to adapt.
An effective anticipation and matching of skills, based on the data related to the labour market and quality, may interfere with education, vocational training and employment in order to prepare the 21st century generations to face the challenges.

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