International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Chacha Matoka and William Amos Pallangyo

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Chacha Matoka1 and William Amos Pallangyo2
1. Lecturer- The Open University of Tanzania, P.O. Box 23409 Dar es salaam
2. Senior Lecturer-The law School of Tanzania, P.O. Box 9422 Dar es Salaam

Matoka, Chacha, and William Amos Pallangyo. "THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT BREACH TO THE ORGANIZATIONAL AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT: THE CASE SELECTED PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN TANZANIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 2020, pp. 520-542, Accessed Feb. 2020.
Matoka, C., & Pallangyo, W. (2020, February). THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT BREACH TO THE ORGANIZATIONAL AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT: THE CASE SELECTED PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN TANZANIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(2), 520-542. Retrieved from
Matoka, Chacha, and William Amos Pallangyo. "THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT BREACH TO THE ORGANIZATIONAL AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT: THE CASE SELECTED PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IN TANZANIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 2 (February 2020), 520-542. Accessed February, 2020.

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This article analyses the effects of Psychological Contract Breach (PCB) on Organizational Affective Commitment (OAC) of public universities' academic staff in Tanzania. A crosssectional survey was carried out on a sample of 187 academic staff. Descriptive statistics, correlation, linear and multiple linear regression analysis techniques were applied. The study found that perceived PCB significantly negatively affected OAC. Respondents aged 51and above have higher affective commitment than those in the younger group (21- 30 years). Married couples showed a higher Affective Commitment than the rest of the other groups. Senior lecturers and above academic ranks had lower AC compared to below groups. Academic staff with administrative roles had lower AC than those without any administrative positions at universities. The study recommends to universities management to ensure fulfillment of its promises to academic staff. Young academic staff can be motivated through further training and engagement in research and consultancy. Contrarily, the older groups could be guaranteed their tenure and good pay.

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