Nahid Shirinov1*, Farid Huseynov2
, Temraz Shamilov3
1,2,3. School of Economics and Management, University of Siena, Rectorate,
via Banchi di Sotto 55, Siena 53100, Italy.
MLA 8 Shirinov, Nahid, et al. "DETECTING BUBBLES IN OIL MARKET USING SADF APPROACH: CASES OF WTI AND BRENT OIL FUTURES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 6, June 2020, pp. 1400-1409, Accessed June 2020.
APA Shirinov, N., Huseynov, F., & Shamilov, T. (2020, June). DETECTING BUBBLES IN OIL MARKET USING SADF APPROACH: CASES OF WTI AND BRENT OIL FUTURES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(6), 1400-1409. Retrieved from
Chicago Shirinov, Nahid, Farid Huseynov, and Temraz Shamilov. "DETECTING BUBBLES IN OIL MARKET USING SADF APPROACH: CASES OF WTI AND BRENT OIL FUTURES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 6 (June 2020), 1400-1409. Accessed June, 2020.
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Abstract: The paper analyzes the bubbles in oil markets using the SADF (supremum Augmented DickeyFuller) test. Weekly data of the prices of WTI and Brent Oil futures covering the period between
April 1995 and April 2020 has been used. According to the results of both tests, the bubbles have
been identified as some different historical episodes. The prices of WTI futures seem to have less
period of bubbles rather than Brent Oil futures. Number of bubble episodes is also smaller for the
price of WTI futures. SADF test results indicate that there are 236 weeks of the bubble in the
price of Brent Oil futures and 98 for that of WTI futures.
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