International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Vassilios Mitsos, Gregory Beligiannis and Evaggelos Mosxolouris

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Vassilios Mitsos, Gregory Beligiannis and Evaggelos Mosxolouris
Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises, University of Patras Greece

Mitsos, Vassilios, et al. "UNEMPLOYMENT AND SUBSIDIZED UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE WIDER AREA OF AGRINIO IN WESTERN GREECE." nt. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 6, June 2021, pp. 1614-1634, Accessed June 2021.
Mitsos, V., Beligiannis, G., & Mosxolouris, E. (2021, June). UNEMPLOYMENT AND SUBSIDIZED UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE WIDER AREA OF AGRINIO IN WESTERN GREECE. nt. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(6), 1614-1634. Retrieved from
Mitsos, Vassilios, Gregory Beligiannis, and Evaggelos Mosxolouris. "UNEMPLOYMENT AND SUBSIDIZED UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE WIDER AREA OF AGRINIO IN WESTERN GREECE." nt. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 6 (June 2021), 1614-1634. Accessed June, 2021.


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This paper analyses the problems of unemployment and subsidized unemployment within Western Greece and particularly in Agrinio. Agrinio is one of the largest cities of Western Greece. Unemployment is a crucial problem for the economy of any country, and it is widely accepted that it is associated with a series of negative health consequences, both physical and psychological. Unemployment is also associated with unhappiness, isolation, stress, anxiety and obesity. It threatens democracy, welfare and wellbeing of citizens. Moreover, it creates social inequalities and offends individuals and the state. The purpose of this paper is to study the phenomenon of unemployment in the wider area of Agrinio. Agrinio is one of the biggest cities in Western Greece and it is characterized by several particularities. It is an agricultural area, having no tourism and difficulty in access due to bad road network and no train or airline transport availability. The findings show that youth unemployment is higher. Moreover, unemployment is higher in people with low qualifications. Furthermore, unemployment in Greece has increased after 2009 because of the economic crisis. Last but not least, seasonal subsidized unemployed in Agrinio reduced in summer because most of them are employed in tourism enterprises. Data analysis shows that the most significant factors influencing unemployment in the considered area are the educational level of labor force, the seasonality of works and the economic crisis.

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