International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Tanya Kashyap

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Tanya Kashyap
Bsc (Hons) Physics, University of Delhi

Kashyap, Tanya. "WHICH SOLAR CELL WILL PROVE TO BE A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ASSET? : A COMPLETE REVIEW." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 2021, pp. 2780-2798, Accessed Aug. 2021.
Kashyap, T. (2021, August). WHICH SOLAR CELL WILL PROVE TO BE A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ASSET? : A COMPLETE REVIEW. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(8), 2780-2798. Retrieved from
Kashyap, Tanya. "WHICH SOLAR CELL WILL PROVE TO BE A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ASSET? : A COMPLETE REVIEW." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 8 (August 2021), 2780-2798. Accessed August, 2021.


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The use of Solar cells is becoming popular and by the end next few decades the chances of running out of the natural resources present on the earth are very likely. Therefore, many alternatives are being searched and developed; one of them being the Solar cells that were first developed in 1954. Ever since then, there have been many advances in the same. In this paper, the different categories of solar cells have been studied from the core and the respective efficiencies have been thoroughly compared to conclude the types of solar cell that are going to prove to be the most efficient and open to advancement in the near future.

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