International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Emely M. Amoloza

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Emely M. Amoloza
University of the Philippines Los Banos

Amoloza, Emely M. "COMMUNICATIVE AND COLLABORATIVE CONSTITUTION OF COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE: THE CASE OF COLLABORATOIRE 2020." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 2021, pp. 4246-4269, Accessed Nov. 2021.
Amoloza, E. (2021, November). COMMUNICATIVE AND COLLABORATIVE CONSTITUTION OF COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE: THE CASE OF COLLABORATOIRE 2020. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(11), 4246-4269. Retrieved from
Amoloza, Emely M. "COMMUNICATIVE AND COLLABORATIVE CONSTITUTION OF COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE: THE CASE OF COLLABORATOIRE 2020." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 11 (November 2021), 4246-4269. Accessed November, 2021.


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This case study focused on the three concepts coined as the 3Cs: communication, collaboration, and community of practice, and how these concepts can be related to development. It attempted to examine how communication led to collaboration by looking at the communicative constitution within a community of practice engaging in inter-organizational collaboration. It applied the communicative constitution of organization (CCO) approach anchored to Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems. Following Yin’s case study research design, it investigated the communicative events within the ColLaboratoire 2020, a community of practice which explored to address specific UN SDGs by applying imaginative, methodologically innovative, and radically multiple-disciplinary approaches to six research challenges, namely: designing the world for aging; self-care kit for service and support workers; environmental empathy; fixing social media; transformative education for all; and reimagining sustainability. Series of communicative events were used as evidence to prove the proposition that ColLaboratoire 2020 (Community of Practice) is the visible manifestation of communicative acts; that is, communication leads to a collaboration resulting in a community of practice. The sources of evidence included participant observation, archival records, documentation, and key informant interviews. The study results showed that ColLaboratoire 2020 could be considered a manifestation of CCO’s principle that organizations emerged through communication. With the series of evidence presented in this study, a community of practice (ColLaboratoire 2020) had surfaced through collaboration which emanated from communication through the mnemonics COLLABORATION(Courting, Obliging, Levelling-Off, Liaison, Acceptance, Boodle fight, Organized, Acknowledgement, Tenacity, Integrity, Ownership, and Nourishing).

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