International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Jane Mumbi Thuita and Sitienei C.K

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Jane Mumbi Thuita1 and Sitienei C.K2
1. Department of management science, Chuka University
2. Department of Business Administration, Tharaka University College

Thuita, Jane Mumbi, and Sitienei C.K. "EFFECT OF CASH MANAGEMENT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF DEPOSIT TAKING SACCOS IN KENYA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 2, Feb. 2021, pp. 473-485, doi:10.46609/IJSSER.2021.v06i02.006. Accessed Feb. 2021.
Thuita, J., & C.K, S. (2021, February). EFFECT OF CASH MANAGEMENT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF DEPOSIT TAKING SACCOS IN KENYA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(2), 473-485. doi:10.46609/IJSSER.2021.v06i02.006
Thuita, Jane Mumbi, and Sitienei C.K. "EFFECT OF CASH MANAGEMENT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF DEPOSIT TAKING SACCOS IN KENYA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 2 (February 2021), 473-485. Accessed February, 2021. doi:10.46609/IJSSER.2021.v06i02.006.

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This study sought to determine the effect of Cash management on financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of cash management on financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The study employed a descriptive research design to study the population of 135 deposit taking SACCOs licensed in Kenya by 2013 where purposive sampling was used in selection of the research sample. The selected sample consisted of 56 among the 135 registered deposit taking SACCOs whose five years’ data from 2013-2017 was employed in determining the effect of Cash management on financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The data was obtained from the audited financial statements of respective SACCOs lodged with SASRA and were available in the regulator’s website. Two linear regression models were employed by the researcher to bring out the effect of Cash management on financial performance. The significance of independent variable was tested using t- test while the overall significance of the model was tested using Ftest at 5% level of significance. The study established statistically significant positive effect of cash management on both ROA and ROE with coefficients of 0.332 and 0.505 and p-values 0.001 and 0.001 respectively. The study concluded that deposit taking SACCOs should increase their cash levels since it impacted positively on financial performance. The findings of this study would be important to policy makers such as SASRA and SACCO directors in planning on their Cash holding levels.

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