International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Hendrawan Saputra, Yusri Munaf, Rosmayani, Moris Adidi Yogia and Rendi Prayuda

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Hendrawan Saputra, Yusri Munaf, Rosmayani, Moris Adidi Yogia and Rendi Prayuda
Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Saputra, Hendrawan, et al. "IMPLEMENTATION OF REGIONAL PLAN INFORMATION SYSTEM IN THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AGENCY OF ROKAN HILIR REGENCY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 2021, pp. 4697-4714, Accessed Dec. 2021.
Saputra, H., Munaf, Y., Rosmayani, Yogia, M., & Prayuda, R. (2021, December). IMPLEMENTATION OF REGIONAL PLAN INFORMATION SYSTEM IN THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AGENCY OF ROKAN HILIR REGENCY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(12), 4697-4714. Retrieved from
Saputra, Hendrawan, Yusri Munaf, Rosmayani, Moris Adidi Yogia, and Rendi Prayuda. "IMPLEMENTATION OF REGIONAL PLAN INFORMATION SYSTEM IN THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AGENCY OF ROKAN HILIR REGENCY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 12 (December 2021), 4697-4714. Accessed December, 2021.


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This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Regional Government Information System at the Regional Development Planning Agency of Rokan Hilir Regency. The Local Government Information System policy in Rokan Hilir Regency is a system that can document and administer regional development data into information that can be used as information for the community in the context of planning, implementing, and evaluating government performance. This research uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive research type. The main informants in this study were officials within the Regional Development Planning Agency of Rokan Hilir Regency. Sample selection is done by (purposive sampling). Based on the results of research and data analysis, it shows that: (1) The basis for implementing Local Government Information System for financial management in the Rokan Hilir Regency Government is the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 70 of 2019 concerning Regional Government Information Systems, (2) Problems that occur in the application of Local Government Information System A Rokan Hilir Regency was reviewed through the policy implementation approach model by Van Meter and Van Horn (1975) in the form of problems of Standards and policy objectives, Resources, Communication between related organizations, Characteristics of implementing organizations, Social, economic and political environment, and Implementing Attitudes.

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