International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Tanveer Ahamd Zoie and Showkat Rashid

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Tanveer Ahamd Zoie1 and Showkat Rashid2
1. Assistant Professor Sociology, Govt. Degree College Pulwama
2. Assistant Professor in Economics, Govt. Degree College Tral

Zoie, Tanveer Ahamd, and Showkat Rashid. "EASY ACCESS OF INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUTH: A REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 5, May 2021, pp. 1385-1393, Accessed May 2021.
Zoie, T., & Rashid, S. (2021, May). EASY ACCESS OF INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUTH: A REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(5), 1385-1393. Retrieved from
Zoie, Tanveer Ahamd, and Showkat Rashid. "EASY ACCESS OF INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUTH: A REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 5 (May 2021), 1385-1393. Accessed May, 2021.

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In 21st century, we clearly see how older patterns of group life and communications are being partially replaced by networking with the rise of information and communication technologies. The domestication of internet which began around the year 2000 has made things available around us. The penetration of internet has made availability of things just a click away from their accessibility. There is now easy availability of internet on laptop, mobile phone, video game ,consoles and other electronic devices. The internet and internet enabled gadgets have transformed the word of sex, sexuality, pleasure, body. The tremendous growth of internet and its compatible devices has led to easy and more ubiquitous access to pornography. This has changed the way youth consume sexually explicit stuff. The purpose of this article is to review the recent literature on pornography and its impact on youth, their sexual attitude, behaviour, sexual orientation and sexual aggression. The impact of sexually explicit stuff on self-concept, body image ,concept of real pleasure, adolescent brain function and social development. The social and economic cost of using the pornographic stuff on adolescents who live in a cyber sexual world and pornified culture will be also taken into account.

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