International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Kanchanapalli Jagannayaki and Dr. Mantha Srinivas

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Dr. Kanchanapalli Jagannayaki1 and Dr. Mantha Srinivas2
1. Asssoc. Professor, MBA Department-IARE
2. Professor, SMS-CMRIT-Hyderbad

Jagannayaki, Dr. Kanchanapalli, and Dr. Mantha Srinivas. "GLOBAL STRATEGIES FOR SUSTENANCE OF MICRO ENTERPRISESA TURNAROUND-GAME-CHALLENGE IN POST- COVID PERIOD." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 2022, pp. 296-318, Accessed Feb. 2022.
Jagannayaki, D., & Srinivas, D. (2022, February). GLOBAL STRATEGIES FOR SUSTENANCE OF MICRO ENTERPRISESA TURNAROUND-GAME-CHALLENGE IN POST- COVID PERIOD. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 7(2), 296-318. Retrieved from
Jagannayaki, Dr. Kanchanapalli, and Dr. Mantha Srinivas. "GLOBAL STRATEGIES FOR SUSTENANCE OF MICRO ENTERPRISESA TURNAROUND-GAME-CHALLENGE IN POST- COVID PERIOD." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 7, no. 2 (February 2022), 296-318. Accessed February, 2022.


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‘Aatma Nirbhar Bharat A Game Changer’ an exploration & invention of VIDHATH OF MAHABHARATH i.e., none other than our Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Mode in his announcement of a Huge-Bread that provide a bed and act as a panacea that provide a base to get stabilize and reinforce the economy globally, financially, strategically, logically and politically to become a winner even in second global recession race upcoming in forth coming fiscal year i.e., 2022-23. The captain and his team always rescued our in most-trendy manner being a glitteringwinner in many aspects and stabilize the economy in spite of global fall down. But for India none other economies proved that they are being a rescued living economy in most wealthiest manner relatively in spite of loss of most affectionate things during last 3 years, which may include health, wealth, income, relationship, monetary benefits, loss of job, salary with job and government benefits to the challenged of all sectors. When front-line-soldiers are in problem prime-minister took timely-decisions through CEOs of various states and Union Territories and brought them on to single-line with unique-decision-making-traits by providing suitable counselling sessions for administrators of both state and central level with his pragmatic and charismatic leadership. Now the topic chosen by authors no way inferior to the decision and vision of union government and its support and the authors are sure that huge-bread had a stake and room for MicroEntrepreneurs too, to redevelop, restructure, reenergize, rehabilitate and reiterate them out of COVID-WHIRL and get cutting-the-edge-advantage of financial-stir of a great-vibrantvisionary. It is proven Micro-Enterprises are the only panacea for the country like India, where citizens prefer to be independent decision-makers and built-in-characteristic to lead the people towards their vision and mission at every level. India is the land of politicians, administrators leaders, managers and entrepreneurs for that matter even at hamlet level of the economy; which could be the weapon to achieve policy-makers/torch-bearers vision may get translated as Sustainable Balanced Regional Development (SBRD) through en-strengthened, en-lightened, enenergized and en-enabled, and enviable entrepreneurs who re-born as neighbors-envy on globalarena with necessary ammunition, armor, artillery, articulation to make necessary-attempts to combat with economic and social evils that are detrimental to the interests of economy at any level irrespective of whether it is at house-hold, national and international. In this study authors try to make an attempt to understand the impact of COVID-19 on viability of micro-enterprises for their issues, challenges, rescues, strategies, turnarounds and remedies in expectation of continued viability of enterprise in futureand scope for diversification in general and study the problems of enterprises already expanded and diversified pre COVID period.This is mostly desk research followed by understanding experiences of local micro-entrepreneurs for their experiences and lessons from act of god. As policy maker too know that micro-enterprises are the only weapons that eradicatethe poverty, the illiteracy, poor-quality of life and poor living standards and causes for social, societaland economic empowerment that steadily increases the growth factor in all sectors that assured and rescued for Sustainable Balanced Regional Development. SBRD in-turn work as vicious-cycle for economy development that push all economic indices from its base level.It is a fact nopolicy-maker can create greatest-wealthiest economy or citizen in any country and everybody should know that even 50 lakh crores budget counted first with a single rupee only. Similarly the development index of any country starts with one enterprise and one person.
Hence, it should be digested by our policy-makers that unless and otherwise there is a significant-sustainable-development among individual-entrepreneurs and individual-households that there will not be any countable-considerable-indexation for any economy and India is not an exception to economic-commandments. At this juncture, the authors try to through some light by way of observations, findings, conclusions and recommendations some of them may looks to be quite silly and other may be noble. It is suggested by great economist if something is not available in the economy due to poor purchasing power of households let state take necessary initiatives to provide the same by hook or crook. It should not be understood like helicopter-money but helicopter-work in every hamlet/mandal. Government should revisit its industrial-licensing policy rather bureaucratic approvals following GOs prevalent at the time of granting license to do business. The government should take necessary initiatives and provide task-force to study the reasons for functional-failures in spite of many incentives provided by the government of every nature. What is the root-cause for failures of micro-enterprises; it is simply poor marketing and receivables strategies that inevitably arise out of cruel-customers with a pretended intension of cheating or motive that is known as escapism/forgiveness/absconded from contractual obligation at the bottom of pyramid. It is a more dangerous/share weapon over and above a bribe in bureaucracy that kills economy rudely and that plunges both individual and enterprise into the huge socialloss. Hence, there is a greatest obligation on the part of government machinery to conduct necessary surveys/census that helps to understand problems at grass-root level which helps policy makers to adopt macro-level decisions. Every macro-policy should hit positively at micro-level then only there will be meaning of vision-set of policy makers on development boards of the economy. The government should study and understand clearly the development indices and conduct both quantitatively and qualitatively the same to develop at bottom of the pyramid. There is no need look-back SBRD achieved automatically. During COVID period every country look at USA to rescue from crisis. Whereas, USA look at India for its strategies like a premier-spectacle because of the fact that India is an unsolved puzzle for its lessons to globe that how the economy and citizens sustained during pandemic. India not only having black-money also efficient in use black-magic and block-chain technology to forestall and arrest any pandemic of any kind. This holy land had solutions for everything and everyone the only thing is policy makers should focus on it and create awareness among citizens for betterment of own lives.

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