International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Rosalina Rolany Rambing

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Rosalina Rolany Rambing
Faculty of Cultural Studies, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Rambing, Rosalina Rolany. "STRENGTHENING OF ORAL TRADITION: LITERATURE AND PERFORMING ARTS IN THE LOCAL LANGUAGE OF TONSEA IN NORTH MINAHASA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 7, no. 12, Dec. 2022, pp. 4139-4152, Accessed Dec. 2022.
Rambing, R. (2022, December). STRENGTHENING OF ORAL TRADITION: LITERATURE AND PERFORMING ARTS IN THE LOCAL LANGUAGE OF TONSEA IN NORTH MINAHASA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 7(12), 4139-4152. Retrieved from
Rambing, Rosalina Rolany. "STRENGTHENING OF ORAL TRADITION: LITERATURE AND PERFORMING ARTS IN THE LOCAL LANGUAGE OF TONSEA IN NORTH MINAHASA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 7, no. 12 (December 2022), 4139-4152. Accessed December, 2022.


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Research on Oral Traditions: Literature and Performing Arts in the Tonsea Language. in Minahasa Utara aims to (1) identify and classify the oral traditions: literature and performing arts in the form of folk songs and dances, folk music in Tonsea regional language in North Minahasa; (2) Identifying and classifying oral traditions: results of oral literature and performing arts in the form of folk songs and dances, folk music, and which are still strictly performed by community groups using the Tonsea regional language in North Minahasa; and (3) Explaining the cultural meaning contained in oral traditions, literature and performing arts in the form of folk songs and dances, folk music, and folk music, in the regional language of Tonsea in North Minahasa. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques and tools: observation, interviews, focus discussions, document studies. There are two stages used in data analysis in this study, namely: (1) Anthropological Linguistic Analysis which aims to study and investigate scientifically about the relationship between language and aspects sociocultural based on ethnicity. (2) Data analysis according to Sudikan (2001) can be grouped into the stages of qualitative data analysis, namely: (1) the open coding stage is the researcher trying to vary what is related to the research object. Furthermore, the researcher carried out the process of detailing the data (breaking down), (conceptualizing) and categorizing (categorizing) primary and secondary data; (3) the axial coding stage is re- organizing data based on categories as a continuation of the previous stage. Then analyze the relationship between data / categories or data classification; and (4) the selective coding stage is the classification process of examining data on data categories, comparing, connecting and checking the intended data then draws final conclusions to make a general design. The results showed that in Tonsea region of North Minahasa there are 3 types of dance that are still strictly implemented, namely: Maengket Dance, Kabasaran Dance, and Tumatenden Dance. Furthermore, folk songs that are still strictly implemented are Maengket songs whose lyrics are usually sung together with the Maengket dance. Likewise, folk music that is still strictly performed by the people in the Tonsea region is only Kolintang music.

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