International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Hoang Thanh Tung , Le Do Trung Quan and Vo Tran Duy Anh

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Hoang Thanh Tung1 , Le Do Trung Quan2 and Vo Tran Duy Anh3
1. University of Labour and Social Affairs
2. The Bear Creek School
3. American International School

Tung, Hoang Thanh, et al. "THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INTENTION TO PURCHASE TRADITIONAL HUE CAKES AMONG YOUNG VIETNAMESE OF GENERATION Z." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 8, no. 6, June 2023, pp. 1477-1500, Accessed June 2023.
Tung, H., Quan, L., & Anh, V. (2023, June). THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INTENTION TO PURCHASE TRADITIONAL HUE CAKES AMONG YOUNG VIETNAMESE OF GENERATION Z. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 8(6), 1477-1500. Retrieved from
Tung, Hoang Thanh, Le Do Trung Quan, and Vo Tran Duy Anh. "THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INTENTION TO PURCHASE TRADITIONAL HUE CAKES AMONG YOUNG VIETNAMESE OF GENERATION Z." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 8, no. 6 (June 2023), 1477-1500. Accessed June, 2023.


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The traditional cakes of Hue, Vietnam have a long history and their flavors continue to delight the majority of diners. In today's modern life, there are many foods that young people can enjoy every day, but traditional products like the traditional cakes of Hue are not just about eating, they are about experiencing the flavors and appreciating the cultural beauty of the romantic city of Hue. In this study, a linear structural model was used to examine the factors influencing the "Intention to purchase traditional Hue cakes" by analyzing survey data from 313 young people belonging to Generation Z in Vietnam. Out of the 313 collected questionnaires, 296 were used for quantitative analysis of the impact of these factors. The four factors, namely "Attitude towards the product," "Subjective norms," "Perceived behavioral control," and "Perceived cultural value," were included in the model to examine their influence on the "Intention to purchase traditional Hue cakes." The results of the model showed that the factor "Perceived behavioral control" had the greatest impact, followed by the factors "Perceived cultural value," "Subjective norms," and "Attitude," at a significance level of 5%. These factors had positive correlations with the intention to purchase traditional Hue cakes, with respective impact levels of 0.378, 0.256, 0.188, and 0.130. This study aims to raise awareness among young people, specifically Generation Z in Vietnam, about traditional products such as Hue cakes so that they can understand and use these products to express their love for the country and their national spirit.

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