International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Assoc, Ph.D. Hoang Thanh Tung and Phan Vu Nhat Minh

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Assoc, Ph.D. Hoang Thanh Tung1 and Phan Vu Nhat Minh2
1. University of Labour and Social Affairs
2. Olympia Inter-Level High School

Tung, Hoang Thanh, and Phan Vu Nhat Minh. "FACTORS DETERMINING THE CHOICE OF ECO-TOURISM DESTINATION OF HANOI RESIDENTS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 2023, pp. 2648-2668, Accessed Sept. 2023.
Tung, H., & Minh, P. (2023, September). FACTORS DETERMINING THE CHOICE OF ECO-TOURISM DESTINATION OF HANOI RESIDENTS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 8(9), 2648-2668. Retrieved from
Tung, Hoang Thanh, and Phan Vu Nhat Minh. "FACTORS DETERMINING THE CHOICE OF ECO-TOURISM DESTINATION OF HANOI RESIDENTS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 8, no. 9 (September 2023), 2648-2668. Accessed September, 2023.


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To study the factors that determine the choice of ecotourism destination of Hanoi residents, the research team used quantitative research methods based on sample data collected from a survey of 320 people, of which 263 people had or decided to go ecotourism in the future included in the analysis. Data was cleaned and processed using SMARTPLS software. Research results show that, among the 6 factors taken into consideration, "Ecotourism Motivation" (DC) has the strongest impact on the decision to choose an ecotourism destination of Hanoi people with a high impact of 0.355; Next is the factor "Ecotourism knowledge" (KTDL) with an impact level of 0.280 and finally the factor "Reference group" with an impact level of 0.218. Based on the analysis results, the research team proposed some discussions to promote the decision to choose an ecotourism destination for people in general and Hanoi residents in particular

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