International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Mina Makboul and Otmane Sayih

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Mina Makboul1 and Otmane Sayih2
1. Professor of Higher Education at Hassan II University, Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences in Ain Sebaa, LARNED Laboratory, Casablanca, Morocco.
2. PHD Student at Hassan II University, Faculty of Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences in Ain Sebaa, LARNED Laboratory, Casablanca, Morocco.

Makboul, Mina, and Otmane Sayih. "IMF CONDITIONALITY: WHAT EFFECT ON THE LABOR MARKET?" Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 2023, pp. 2686-2692, Accessed Sept. 2023.
Makboul, M., & Sayih, O. (2023, September). IMF CONDITIONALITY: WHAT EFFECT ON THE LABOR MARKET? Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 8(9), 2686-2692. Retrieved from
Makboul, Mina, and Otmane Sayih. "IMF CONDITIONALITY: WHAT EFFECT ON THE LABOR MARKET?" Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 8, no. 9 (September 2023), 2686-2692. Accessed September, 2023.


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This article explores the multifaceted impact of IMF policies, particularly its conditionality measures, on economies and societies. Outcomes vary, including increased poverty and inequality alongside economic benefits. Labor market deregulation, promoting competitiveness but raising concerns for vulnerable workers and inequality, is also debated. In essence, IMF policies yield complex results, requiring individualized assessments. The article calls for further research to understand the specific influences of IMF conditionality on labor markets. This could provide insights into how policies like trade liberalization, privatization, and financial sector reform affect employment. It underscores the importance of considering contextual variations among countries when shaping future policies.

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