International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Data Preparation and Bootstrapping Analysis for Stakeholder Participation in School Management: Impact on Academic Achievement in Ugandan Public Secondary Schools

Dorothy Nakiyaga , Proscovia Namubiru Sentamu and David Ssekamatte

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Dorothy Nakiyaga1 , Proscovia Namubiru Sentamu 2 and David Ssekamatte3
1. Department of Educational Management & Policy Studies, Faculty of Education, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
2. Department of Educational Leadership, School of Management Science, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala, Uganda
3. Department of Management, School of Business and Management, Uganda Management, Kampala Institute

Nakiyaga, Dorothy, et al. "Data Preparation and Bootstrapping Analysis for Stakeholder Participation in School Management: Impact on Academic Achievement in Ugandan Public Secondary Schools." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 6, June 2024, pp. 1726-1749, Accessed June 2024.
Nakiyaga, D., Sentamu, P., & Ssekamatte, D. (2024, June). Data Preparation and Bootstrapping Analysis for Stakeholder Participation in School Management: Impact on Academic Achievement in Ugandan Public Secondary Schools. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(6), 1726-1749. Retrieved from
Nakiyaga, Dorothy, Proscovia Namubiru Sentamu, and David Ssekamatte. "Data Preparation and Bootstrapping Analysis for Stakeholder Participation in School Management: Impact on Academic Achievement in Ugandan Public Secondary Schools." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 6 (June 2024), 1726-1749. Accessed June, 2024.


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Data preparation for stakeholder participation in school management aims to organize and structure data for analysing its impact on academic achievement in Ugandan public secondary schools. The process ensures a reliable dataset for bootstrapping analysis, thus enabling making of inferences on stakeholder participation’s effects on academic achievement. This paper presents part of the findings from a larger study conducted in public secondary schools in Uganda. Specifically, the focus is on the preliminary analysis which is necessary for conducting the bootstrapping technique as a multivariate analysis. The findings indicate 5 discrete dimensions of participation in school management that influence learners’ academic achievement in public secondary schools. Stakeholder participation in school management creates a collaborative and supportive ecosystem that positively influences the learner’s academic achievement by addressing challenges, implementing effective strategies, and creating an environment that nurtures the intellectual and social development of learners. Through collaboration, stakeholders can foster a supportive environment that positively influences learners' academic achievement. Practical and theoretical implications, study limitations, and future research considerations are presented.

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