International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Adhiraj Gupta

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Adhiraj Gupta
The International School Bangalore

Gupta, Adhiraj. "IMPACT OF YOUTUBE ADVERTISEMENTS FACTORS ON PURCHASE INTENTIONS OF YOUTH: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 20


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This study aims to examine the factors within YouTube advertisements that entice the youth to purchase gaming products. The study is based on primary data collected from Indian Youth through an online questionnaire with a 5-point scale using snowball sampling. Collected data were subjected to regression analysis which revealed that the Length of the YouTube advertisement, the presence of a celebrity in the advertisement, and the factual information presented in the advertisement positively impact the purchase intentions of youth looking to buy gaming products. Results have implications for the marketers of gaming products in India. This research does not consider external factors like the preference for gaming products, time exposed to YouTube advertisements, and time spent on gaming, which may explain or impact the purchase intentions.

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