International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Assessment and the Effective Teacher

Konstantinidis Theodoros

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Konstantinidis Theodoros
MSc Physical Education Teacher-Principal at the 4th Primary School of Pylaia-Thessaloniki, Greece

Theodoros, Konstantinidis. "Assessment and the Effective Teacher." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 2024, pp. 5079-5092, Accessed Nov. 2024.
Theodoros, K. (2024, November). Assessment and the Effective Teacher. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(11), 5079-5092. Retrieved from
Theodoros, Konstantinidis. "Assessment and the Effective Teacher." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 11 (November 2024), 5079-5092. Accessed November, 2024.


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The role of the teacher is of great importance and closely related to the general economic and socio-political conditions and changes of the modern era. It is therefore imperative to maximize the performance of the teachers' offer which will make them more effective, improve the infrastructure and the rest of the human staff. The basic purpose of the assessment is to ensure the quality of teaching and consequently of learning to the maximum extent possible, thus fulfilling the goals and vision of the educational policy, but also of each individual school unit. Educational evaluation is a more comprehensive concept, which does not aim exclusively at the evaluation and control of students' progress, but of the educational system as a whole (Mokou & Mokos, 2006). Teachers, as active members of society, must monitor its ever-changing trends and needs, as well as the needs of the modern family (students-parents). The exercise of leadership in the classroom by the teacher is of particular importance and teachers must act as role models for their students. They must not only assume and exercise leadership in the classroom, but also encourage students to exercise leadership. In this way, you reduce the teacher's workload, and give a sense of collegiality. It also plays a decisive role in the comprehensive education of students. The human staff of the school is the most creative connecting element of all actions that lead to the achievement of its goals. The teachers' effort to recognize their professional contribution is multi-year, persistent and met great resistance, ideological, financial, exercise of power and increase in workload.

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