International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Human Rights and Mega Sporting Events: Impacts and the Possibility of Redress

Siddharth Suresh

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Siddharth Suresh
National Public School Indiranagar Bangalore

Suresh, Siddharth. "Human Rights and Mega Sporting Events: Impacts and the Possibility of Redress." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 2024, pp. 5428-5433, Accessed Nov. 2024.
Suresh, S. (2024, November). Human Rights and Mega Sporting Events: Impacts and the Possibility of Redress. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(11), 5428-5433. Retrieved from
Suresh, Siddharth. "Human Rights and Mega Sporting Events: Impacts and the Possibility of Redress." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 11 (November 2024), 5428-5433. Accessed November, 2024.


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This paper examines the dual impact of Mega Sporting Events (MSEs) like the Olympics and FIFA World Cup, highlighting their social and economic benefits as well as significant human rights concerns. MSEs facilitate cultural exchange and promote economic growth; however, issues such as forced evictions, labour exploitation, and suppression of dissent frequently arise, particularly impacting vulnerable populations. Through case studies and data analysis, this paper identifies governance gaps and suggests reforms, including binding human rights standards, independent monitoring, and effective accountability mechanisms, to mitigate these adverse impacts. By emphasizing the need for governance reforms, the study proposes a framework to ensure MSEs uphold human rights standards while delivering societal benefits.

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