International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Perceived Need for Autonomy Satisfaction as A Predictor of Transition Among Form two Students in Kisii County, Kenya

Njoroge Felicita Waithira , Samuel M. Mutweleli and Susan N. Nguno

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Njoroge Felicita Waithira1 , Samuel M. Mutweleli2 and Susan N. Nguno3
1,2,3. Department of Education Psychology and lifelong Learning, Kenyatta University, P0.BOX43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Waithira, Njoroge Felicita, et al. "Perceived Need for Autonomy Satisfaction as A Predictor of Transition Among Form two Students in Kisii County, Kenya." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 2024, pp. 5597-5614, Accessed Nov. 2024.
Waithira, N., Mutweleli, S., & Nguno, S. (2024, November). Perceived Need for Autonomy Satisfaction as A Predictor of Transition Among Form two Students in Kisii County, Kenya. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(11), 5597-5614. Retrieved from
Waithira, Njoroge Felicita, Samuel M. Mutweleli, and Susan N. Nguno. "Perceived Need for Autonomy Satisfaction as A Predictor of Transition Among Form two Students in Kisii County, Kenya." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 11 (November 2024), 5597-5614. Accessed November, 2024.


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Poor transition may affect greatly learners especially as they move from primary to secondary school subsequently achieving low academic outcome. This in turn might affect their life career paths within and after school. The study focused on one psychological factor namely; Autonomy need for satisfaction ( ANFS) among learners in secondary schools. The purpose therefore was to examine the relationship between students’ need for autonomy satisfaction and transition among students in Kisii County. The study was guided by Deci and Ryan (2002) Psychological needs Satisfaction theory of Psychological Needs Satisfaction. Using a predictive Correlational research design the study population was 12462 Form two students across public secondary schools in Kisii County. The sample population was 405 students (167 male) (238 female) selected from 135 schools through purposive sampling, proportionate sampling, stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques. A five-subscale questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of ? = .96 was employed to gather participants’ data The test-retest technique was adopted to test for the reliability of the instruments, where the instruments were administered twice to the same participants, allowing a two-week interval between the two administrations. To establish the internal reliability of the instruments, the researcher used the Cronbach alpha coefficient (?). Data analysis was done using SPSS and descriptive statistics, using means and standard deviations. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was adopted to obtain the link between psychological needs satisfaction Autonomy and students' transition. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was adopted to obtain the means and standard deviations of transition and psychological needs satisfaction. Multiple regression was used to analyze the relationship between psychological needs satisfaction and transition. Central measures of tendency, frequent counts and distributions variability were utilized as descriptive statistics and correlation coefficient statistics as inferential statistics. Results indicated that there is a relationship between students’ autonomy and transition. (r (403) =0.40, p <.05).The study recommended need for school administrators to strengthen school programmes that would build students’ autonomy need satisfaction. The study further recommended the need for parents to inculcate autonomy among students right from childhood.

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