International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Jeenaev Nimish Shah

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Jeenaev Nimish Shah
United World College of South East Asia, Singapore

Shah, Jeenaev Nimish. "UNITED STATES INFLATION, CORPORATE PROFITS, AND MARKET POWER: A POST-PANDEMIC ECONOMIC ANALYSIS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 3


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One resulting post-pandemic macroeconomic phenomenon in the United States is record elevated inflation, with some economists, policy makers, financial journalists, and other commentators arguing that a rise in firm market power and concentration has led to a rise in corporate profits which is the cause of the observed increase in inflation. This research paper evaluates and suggests methods to measure inflation, corporate profits, and market power, particularly in conjunction with establishing causality, as well as analyses the successes and shortcomings in establishing causality between these variables. We also engage in conducting a meta-analysis of literature pertaining to the contribution of corporate profits to inflation during the post-pandemic economic recovery, as well as suggestions for future research required for the topic and the specific areas of this topic that Prompt further exploration.

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