International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Nguyen Van Duy , Dr. Phan Van Tuan and MA. Nguyen Thi Huong Lien

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Dr. Nguyen Van Duy1 , Dr. Phan Van Tuan2 and Nguyen Thi Huong Lien3
1. Dean, Falculty of Laws, QuangBinh University, QuangBinh, Vietnam
2. College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vinh University, Vietnam
3. Faculty of Laws, QuangBinh University, QuangBinh, Vietnam

Duy, Dr. Nguyen Van, et al. "QUANG BINH PROVINCE HAS BEEN DEVELOPING CREATIVE TOURISM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 2024, pp. 634-649,

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Main findings: Evaluate the creative tourism potential of QuangBinh province based on the SWOT method. Build a system of solutions to improve the effectiveness of creative tourism development in the coming time. Based on the actual analysis results, the article will be a useful document for tourism managers in particular and administrators in general. Creativity is increasingly recognised as essential for success in many aspects of life: personal development, life-long learning, management. Therefore, for the tourism industry in QuangBinh province, creativity is even more necessary in the context of integration, tourism products need to promote diversity and sustainable development. The article is a meaningful product for managers and economic researchers, especially in the field of tourism, to refer to and find reasonable solutions for the tourism industry in the future.

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