International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Employee Motivation and Behavior in Construction Engineering Projects

Md Sharfuddin , Md. Halimuzzaman , Farzana Akter , Kripa Nath Dey and Palash Saha

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Md Sharfuddin1 , Md. Halimuzzaman2 , Farzana Akter3 , Kripa Nath Dey4 and Palash Saha5
1. Department of Management Information System, International American University, California, USA.
2. School of Business, Galgotias University, Delhi, India.
3. Southeast Business School, Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
4. Anti money laundering Division, BRAC Bank PLC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
5. Division of Operation, The Premier Bank PLC, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

Sharfuddin, Md, et al. "Employee Motivation and Behavior in Construction Engineering Projects." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 2025, pp. 342-372, Accessed Jan. 2025.
Sharfuddin, M., Halimuzzaman, M., Akter, F., Dey, K., & Saha, P. (2025, January). Employee Motivation and Behavior in Construction Engineering Projects. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 10(1), 342-372. Retrieved from
Sharfuddin, Md, Md. Halimuzzaman, Farzana Akter, Kripa Nath Dey, and Palash Saha. "Employee Motivation and Behavior in Construction Engineering Projects." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 10, no. 1 (January 2025), 342-372. Accessed January, 2025.

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The objectives of this study are to mark out and state factors of training, development, and motivation in construction companies in Bangladesh and to determine the impact of these practices on the performance of these organizations. The constant changes ensuing in the world today, especially with consideration to technology and innovation in new products and services in which they handle their employees. The data was collected by questionnaire in different Bangladeshi organizations. The survey targeted these categories. 50 questionnaires were distributed with 38 questionnaires were received. The findings disclose that there are strong and positive relationships between training and development and motivation of employees and the performance of the construction sector. The project researches the effects that motivation has on the job performance of employees. This research aims to evaluate the impact of motivation on employee performance in the construction industry in Bangladesh. This project pursues the result that motivation has on the job performance of employees. The findings from this study provide information as to what changes can be built so that employees are over motivated in their workplace. The most important factors of training and motivation that can improve the Construction Company’s performance are self-directed, learning, environment, trust, communication style, and interpersonal relationship.

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