Title: The Form and Meaning of Mogama Verbal Communication as Local Wisdom
in Bolaang Mongondow Ethnic Post-Wedding Traditional Ceremony
Authors: Femmy Lumempouw
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Femmy Lumempouw Faculty of Humanity, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia
MLA 8 Lumempouw, Femmy. "The Form and Meaning of Mogama Verbal Communication as Local Wisdom in Bolaang Mongondow Ethnic Post-Wedding Traditional Ceremony." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 2025, pp. 425-432, doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2025.v10i01.025. Accessed Jan. 2025.
APA 6 Lumempouw, F. (2025, January). The Form and Meaning of Mogama Verbal Communication as Local Wisdom in Bolaang Mongondow Ethnic Post-Wedding Traditional Ceremony. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 10(1), 425-432. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2025.v10i01.025
Chicago Lumempouw, Femmy. "The Form and Meaning of Mogama Verbal Communication as Local Wisdom in Bolaang Mongondow Ethnic Post-Wedding Traditional Ceremony." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 10, no. 1 (January 2025), 425-432. Accessed January, 2025. https://doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2025.v10i01.025.
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ABSTRACT: Research on the Form and Meaning of Mogama Verbal Communication as Local Wisdom in
Bolaang Mongondow Ethnic Post-Wedding Traditional Ceremony: aims to: (1) Identify and
classify the form and meaning of Mogama verbal communication as local wisdom in the form of
words, phrases, clauses, sentences and discourse in Bolaang Mongondow Ethnic Post-Wedding
Traditional Ceremony; (2) Explain the form and meaning of Mogama verbal communication as
local wisdom in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and discourse, in Bolaang
Mongondow ethnic Post-Wedding Traditional Ceremony.
The method used in this study is descriptive method. The research method stages describe and
explain narratively. To support this method requires literature taken from various linguistic and
semantic sources, and pragmatics (Ridwan Effendi, 2018).
Data analysis according to Sudikan (2001) is grouped into qualitative data analysis, namely: (1)
the open coding stage is where the researcher tries to vary things related to the research object;
(2) the axial coding stage is reorganizing the data based on categories as a continuation of the
previous stage; and (3) the selective coding stage is the classification process of examining data
into data categories, comparing, connecting and examining the data in question and drawing
final conclusions.
The results of research on the Form and Meaning of Mogama Verbal Communication as Local
Wisdom in the Bolaang Mongondow Ethnic Post-Wedding Traditional Ceremony show that there
are 13 stages, namely: (1) Mogama 'takes' the bride to the groom's house; (2) Polampangon kun
tutugun lanang' steps in front of the bride; (3) Pololanon kon tubig’ pass through the water; (4)
Poponikon kontukad 'climbing the stairs'; (5) kungkum in pawung' umbrella'; (6) pilat in siripu'
take off the shoes'; (7) Poampa kon tonom’ steps in the main door; (8) pokilituan’ please sit
down'; (9) Pogapangan’ sit side by side'; (10) Buka in kokudu’ open the face covering'; (11) Pokimamaan’ eating the betel and nut'; (12) Pongiobawan’ please eat"; and (13) Polimumugan
'mouth gargling'.
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