International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Economic Well-Being of Informal Workers in Tricity of Chandigarh: A case of Part-time Female Domestic Workers

Dilpreet Kaur

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Dilpreet Kaur
Research Scholar, Institute for Development and Communication (IDC) (An Approved Research center of Panjab University)

Kaur, Dilpreet. "Economic Well-Being of Informal Workers in Tricity of Chandigarh: A case of Part-time Female Domestic Workers." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 2025, pp. 546-562, Accessed Feb. 2025.
Kaur, D. (2025, February). Economic Well-Being of Informal Workers in Tricity of Chandigarh: A case of Part-time Female Domestic Workers. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 10(2), 546-562. Retrieved from
Kaur, Dilpreet. "Economic Well-Being of Informal Workers in Tricity of Chandigarh: A case of Part-time Female Domestic Workers." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 10, no. 2 (February 2025), 546-562. Accessed February, 2025.


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The UT of Chandigarh is a uni-district territory which came into existence on 1st of November, 1966. With the rapid pace of urbanization the grey economy grew rapidly in the city beautiful and its neighboring towns like Zirakpur, Panchkula, Mohali, Kharar etc falling within the 16km periphery control area. As per the census of 2011, 10.25 lakhs (97.25%) of its population was urban and only 0.29 lakhs (2.75%) was rural. In terms of workers population, out of the total workers almost half of the workforce is employed in informal sector of the economy. Moreover, out of total female workers population nearly 16 per cent are the female domestic workers (Census, 2011). The present study is based on primary survey conducted on 184 part-time female domestic workers in the Tricity of Chandigarh comprises of Chandigarh, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar(Punjab) and Panchkula (Haryana). The female domestic workers are surveyed from different sectors of the three cities in which they are working. Here, for the purpose of taking sample, the technique of random sampling is used. The various predictands of economic wellbeing of part-time female domestic workers have been analyzed in order to know the economic status of part-time female domestic workers in the Tricity of Chandigarh.

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