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Erlinda Sukmasari Wasito, Aida Vitayala Sjafri Hubeis, Ekawati Sri Wahyuni

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1Erlinda Sukmasari Wasito, 2Aida Vitayala Sjafri Hubeis, 3Ekawati Sri Wahyuni
1,2,3. Department of Communications and Community Development Science, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor

Wasito, Erlinda Sukmasari, et al. "GENDER BIASED CONSTRUCTED BY DIGITAL MEDIA RELATED TO THE NEWS REPORT OF REGIONAL HEAD GRAFT CASE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 2018, pp. 4325-4336, Accessed Aug. 2018.
Wasito, E., Hubeis, A., & Wahyuni, E. (2018, August). GENDER BIASED CONSTRUCTED BY DIGITAL MEDIA RELATED TO THE NEWS REPORT OF REGIONAL HEAD GRAFT CASE. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(8), 4325-4336. Retrieved from
Wasito, Erlinda Sukmasari, Aida Vitayala Sjafri Hubeis, and Ekawati Sri Wahyuni. "GENDER BIASED CONSTRUCTED BY DIGITAL MEDIA RELATED TO THE NEWS REPORT OF REGIONAL HEAD GRAFT CASE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 8 (August 2018), 4325-4336. Accessed August, 2018.

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Media is a medium of information, communication and persuasion in daily life. Every media has editorial policy on their news release. The media policy affects on how women are represented in political stages, particularly as suspects in corruption allegation. This research deals with the issues highlighted by online media concerning corruption allegations against female and male head district. This research is conducted to figure out the media framing arise from gender inequality, to analyze how female and male head district are represented by media, and to analyse the influence of the ideology embraced by media and their journalists upon the gender bias creeps in through the media report. There are two subjects of the research, Cilegon Mayor Tubagus Iman Ariyadi and Kutai Kartanegara Regent Rita Widyasari. The samples are obtained from three media: Kompas, Republika and Tirto. The research is conducted from February to June 2018. Robert Entman's framing theory is proposed to analyse the research. Result of the research suggests gender bias occurs in news report concerning corruption allegations against Head District. The research also reveals the allegations against Rita Widyasari draws more readers' attention than Tubagus Iman Ariyadi because of the stereotype of gender role. Besides, the research shows ideology embraced by the media plays bigger role than the ideology espoused by the journalists in showing gender bias related to news report on corruption allegations against female and male head district.

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