International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Effects of Being Nurtured in A Mentally Abusive Environment

Raina Mandoth

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Raina Mandoth
Sishya School

Mandoth, Raina. "Effects of Being Nurtured in A Mentally Abusive Environment." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 7, July 2024, pp. 2565-2580, Accessed July 2024.
Mandoth, R. (2024, July). Effects of Being Nurtured in A Mentally Abusive Environment. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(7), 2565-2580. Retrieved from
Mandoth, Raina. "Effects of Being Nurtured in A Mentally Abusive Environment." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 7 (July 2024), 2565-2580. Accessed July, 2024.


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The abstract of the paper consists of the summary of objectives, methods, conclusion, and implications. Childhood mental abuse is summarized here. Its implications for health, social interactions and coping mechanisms in adulthood are discussed. By applying secondary data analysis of empirical studies and scholarly literature, the study clarifies, the long lasting effects of peer mental abuse on survivors` attitudes towards people, socializing and independence. Data give evidence that the first steps, trauma-focused care and systemic changes are needed for providing an environment where a child would feel safe and secure. A way to improve this study in the future is through the use of longitudinal studies, cross-cultural investigations and creative intervention approaches. Stakeholders can generate positive outcomes in this case by building such environments that promote the process of healing and resilience among survivors of childhood mental abuse by using research findings in practice.

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